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Medium cyano cyanoacrylate glue 50g industrial superglue adhesive super gap fill FiveStar Starloc

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Home > Cyanoacrylate super glue, Cyano Adhesives > Medium thickness cyanoacrylate cyano adhesive super ca glue gap fill medium speed general industrial

Medium thickness and speed

Cyanoacrylate adhesive, cyano glue

manufactured in the UK by FiveStar adhesives

50g cyanoacrylate in a non clog nozzle bottle, shelf life 7 years if stored cool and dark.

Bonds most surfaces such as all metals, porcelain, wood, china, stone, bone, ceramics, glass, rubber, leather, most plastics ( all plastics if used with surface primer for plastics )

Set time 3 to 7 seconds, medium viscosity slight gap fill grade. ( 500 cP )

Technical Data

Base Chemical Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
Appearance Transparent colourless
Components single part no mixing
Viscosity Medium 300-500 cP
Shelf Life Upto 7 years in cool dark place


(Brookfield  LVF 25 °C ) mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 1, speed 30 rpm

300-500 cP
Shear Strength ISO4587 21 N/mm2 ( 3045 psi)
Specific gravity at 25 degrees C 1.05
Cure Speed once parts held in place 3-7 seconds
Solvent content NONE
Water Content NONE

Product has high resistance to most solvents, alcohols, water and oils with temperature resistance of -80C to + 140C

GTIN: 5060287830207
MPN: CA002Z50
Posting Weight: 0.07kg

Our Price: £5.99
In Stock
Medium thickness and speed Cyanoacrylate adhesive, cyano glue manufactured in the UK by FiveStar adhesivesBonds most surfaces such as all metals, porcelain, wood, china, stone, bone, ceramics, glass, rubber, leather, most plastics

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